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Stability in the Written Word

Our goal in publication is to transmit, in written format, the knowledge, stability, and certainty of Eternal Truth so that, amidst the frightening givenness of seemingly constant change, persons may dwell in thought and in the lived-application of such thought, upon the changelessness of what endures beyond this life into life everlasting. As a specialty press, we publish scholarly, self-help, reflective, and meditative works in areas congruent with Judeo-Christian theology and spirituality across a variety of topics.


Continual Reflection on Life

For more than 10 years, Anthony Maranise has specialized in helping the faithful (with specialty towards high-school and college-aged student athletes) maximize the enjoyment and experiences of the various elements of our human lives. To achieve these goals, he focuses on helping others develop holistically (physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually) utilizing natural methods such as time and life-skill management, spiritual direction, positive-emphasis-mapping, and guided introspection, all within each client’s individually identified goals.


Listen with the Ears of the Heart

Our radio broadcast by the same name, “Eternal Insight” airs once to twice per month (sometimes with special feature shows more frequently) on the Anchor FM Online Streaming Platform. All shows are also archived into iTunes & GooglePlay compatible Podcasts. Each show features a guest or guests who speak with the show’s host about a plethora of elements in the human life which need not be thought of as fleeting or temporary, but what endure to eternity. Each show runs about 30 minutes. More about our show: Eternal Insight is a show about living now in the life to come; saying goodbye to all that is temporary; and finally laying hold to what is promised, what endures, and what gives us life to its fullest.

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